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Online Safety

Online safety is an important aspect of keeping our pupils safe at Guestling. We have procedures in place to safeguard our children from potential dangers and unsuitable material. Online safety is a fundamental part of our Computing lessons in all year groups.

As part of our partnership with parents, we encourage parents to speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.  It is essential to be realistic; banning the Internet or technology will not work, and often makes a child less likely to report a problem. This means that education around safe use is essential.

Click here to access the latest NSPCC help and advice.


Useful Links

The following links can offer parents support and guidance:

Safer Internet Day (held on first Tuesday in February each year)

BBC WebWise



Childnet International

Digital Parenting (from Vodaphone)


Parent Zone

Parents Protect

Stop it Now


Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but some suggestions for parents and carers wishing to know more.

Your Internet Provider

The main four Internet providers in the UK – BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media – provide their customers with free parental controls, which can be activated at any time. They have come together to produce these helpful video guides to help you to download and set-up the controls offered by your provider. Click here see the video guides.

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