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In 2019 GBS was awarded Heritage Status by Historic England. To become a Heritage School, GBS had to demonstrate that they had delivered an effective heritage project that included learning outside the classroom. They also had to embed their heritage work into the curriculum and share their work with other schools.

Bringing History Alive

Role-play forms part of the History learning enabling children to develop a true understanding of life in the past e.g. drama/dance WW1 activities.

We endeavour to use the museums within the area and have fostered links with Hastings Museum. We also take children to the British Museum in London to view the Egyptian rooms.

Year 4 enjoyed our most recent workshop where the experiences of World War 11 evacuees were brought to life!


Our intent of history teaching here at Guestling Bradshaw CE Primary School is to stimulate the children’s interest and understanding about the life of people who lived in the past. We teach children a sense of chronology, and through this they develop a sense of identity, and a cultural understanding based on their historical heritage.

We aim to ensure they learn to value their own and other people’s cultures in modern multicultural Britain and, by considering how people lived in the past, they are better able to make their own life choices today. In our school, history makes a significant contribution to citizenship education by teaching about the manner in which Britain developed as a democratic society.

We teach children to understand how events in the past have influenced our lives today; we also teach them to investigate these past events and, by so doing, to develop the skills of enquiry, analysis, interpretation and problem-solving. Our history curriculum provides opportunities for all pupils, including SEND and disadvantaged pupils, to develop the skills, knowledge and independence to continue their future history learning in Year 7 and beyond.

Through our history curriculum, our aims are:

  • to engage interest in the past and stimulate children’s curiosity into finding out more;
  • to develop knowledge and understanding of how people lived in other times and how those times were different from today;
  • to enable children to know about significant events in British history, and to appreciate how things have changed over time;
  • to develop a sense of chronology;
  • to encourage thinking about cause and effect, and how the past influences the present to experience a range of representations of the past;
  • to develop the ability to communicate historical knowledge in a variety of forms;
  • to understand how Britain is part of a wider European culture, and to study aspects of European history;
  • to have some knowledge and understanding of historical development in the wider world;
  • to help children understand society and their place within it, so that they develop a sense of their citizenship and cultural heritage;
  • to develop in children the skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation and presentation.


Visits and workshops

At Guestling we promote hands-on History by using professional companies to run whole day workshops to bring topics such as the Romans and Iron Age to life.

Role-play forms part of the History learning enabling children to develop a true understanding of life in the past e.g. drama/dance WW1 activities.

We endeavour to use the museums within the area and have fostered links with Hastings Museum. We also take children to the British Museum in London to view the Egyptian rooms.

Year 4 enjoyed our most recent workshop where the experiences of evacuees were brought to life!

We also have had whole school themed History weeks which we are looking forward to reintriducing. During the week the classes emerge themselves in cross-curricular learning, role play, video conferencing, visiting speakers. Such weeks culminate in whole school displays/exhibitions to which all parents are invited. Our WWI exhibition went to St Laurence Church and to Hastings Museum.


Useful Links

BBC Bitesize - click on the key stage, then the subject you are interested in.

Hastings Museum

British Museum

Primary Games Arena

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