If you have a child starting school in September 2025, you need to apply for a place by 15th January 2025.
More information can be found on our admissions page, and do take a look at the video on our home page. Full details of the admissions process can be found on the East Sussex County Council website.
Please see the letter sent home to parents regarding emergency invacuation/lockdown procedures.
Our teachers are wonderful! They work very hard and it is important for them to have time to relax and be with their families. When you need to contact them via ClassDojo, please only do so between the hours of 8.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. Please ensure that any important messages and information e.g. child absence, uniform orders, change of contact details etc. are sent to the office and not via ClassDojo.
Please make sure that you let the office know if someone different will be collecting your child from school. If we have not had a message, we will need to phone to confirm before we allow a child to leave with someone other than a parent/carer. This has always been the case but is particularly important in the current circumstances. If you are going to have a regular arrangement, e.g. with another parent please put this in writing to the office, via email, and we can add it to your child’s records. Thank you, as always, for your support.
Due to severe allergies within school we ask that children do not bring oranges or anything similar i.e. satsumas, mandarins etc. to school (even peeled ones) or any nut products e.g. peanut butter. Thank you for your support with this.
Please ensure that your home and work contact details are correct, particularly if they have recently changed. It is very important that we are able to contact you in case of an emergency. Forms are available in the office if you need to change any details.
Just a reminder that, as per our policy regarding medicines, any medicines required in school time (prescription and non-prescription, including cough sweets, Strepsils etc) must be brought into school in original packaging with child’s name, and the following form must be completed by parents (you can obtain a copy from the office if required). Medicines must also be handed to the office where they can be stored safely. Thank you.
We would be grateful if you would raise any issues or concerns that you have about the school via Mrs Andrews, Mrs McIntosh, class teachers or the school office so that the matter can be looked into and dealt with, rather than placing on Facebook or other social media sites. Thank you for your support with this.
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