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Educational Partnerships

Hastings Area Education Improvement Partnership (Hastings Thrives)

Education Improvement Partnerships (EIPs) are groups of schools working together across an area to improve outcomes for pupils at all schools. EIPs include primary and secondary schools. In some areas they also include post-16 colleges and early year providers. In East Sussex there are seven area based EIPs, and one EIP for the Special Schools; all schools are in an EIP.

All schools in Hastings, including the academies and Sussex Coast College, are now part of the Hastings Education Improvement Partnership (EIP)

Why do we need EIPs?

The national agenda within education has changed significantly, with an increased focus on autonomy for school leaders, the development of partnerships between schools and a changing role for local authorities. Central to this new agenda is the creation of a ‘self-improving school system’ where good and outstanding schools share their good practice and all schools work together to improve outcomes for pupils.

The establishment of the EIP is one way that the Hastings schools will be able to work more closely together by sharing best practice and organising centrally held training and development opportunities funded by the local authority. The EIP is also working with the local authority to provide, or jointly commission, support to specific schools in our area.


The Learning Together Alliance

Guestling Bradshaw links with several primary schools in the local area (Brede, Icklesham, Sandown and Westfield) to provide development opportunities for staff across the schools, leading to improved practice in all of our schools.


The Education Futures Trust

Guestling Bradshaw also belongs to the Education Futures Trust which provides high quality and innovative support and learning tailored to the needs of children, families and vulnerable adults in Hastings and the surrounding area.

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