Our Vision Statement
Growing Together - Learning Forever - Living Life to the Full
(based on words of Jesus, John 10, verse 10 from the New Testament of the Bible).
Our Vision
Our school is a family with the love of God at its heart. We are dedicated to creating a place of growth and wonder, where everyone is respected, loved and valued, knowing they are unique and special in God's eyes. We want all members of our community to develop a joy for learning, understand the importance of and have the courage to live' life in all its fullness’ so that they are enabled and inspired to use their skills and talents to make a positive impact in the world and shine brightly as God intended. The school vision “Growing together. Learning forever. Living life to the full” is theologically rooted in Jesus’ purpose and mission “I have come that they may have life and live it to the full.” John 10:10 Jesus said “Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt seasoning that brings out the God flavours of this earth........Your'e here to be the light, bringing out the God-colours in the world....." Mathew 5:13-16 |
Our Christian Values
Our School Values are:
Respect - Love - Community – Courage - Wonder - Growth
These underpin the Christian belief that we are all God’s people and that we all matter. We believe that everyone should be valued and treated with love and respect and that each of us has the right to grow and become the best version of ourselves.